MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota. It is now commonly known that individuals who survive car accidents can suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. According to WebMD, the symptoms of PTSD include insomnia, flashbacks, avoidance of the situation or situations similar to where the violence or trauma occurred, or changes in behavior. Individuals suffering from PTSD may also struggle with self-esteem issues. Yet, these symptoms, are just the beginning for those that are suffering from PTSD. For some, it could even last a lifetime, especially if you don’t get the relevant support. No one should have to live their lives in this way and it is important that you do something about it. Whether you look for professional medical help, seek advice from support groups, or decide to buy CBD oil in your area, with the hopes that this can relieve your symptoms, then this is what you should do. You need to put your own health and wellbeing above anything else, particularly in the early stages, and CBD oil can help to calm your mind and reduce your stress levels while you slowly deal with the effects of PTSD. Of course, it’s important that you check the legal status of CBD products on sites such as royalcbd.com before doing so, as some areas have not yet legalized its use. For those individuals that are unable to access CBD, they may instead look to find a cognitive behavioral therapist to help them change the way they think about the memories of the event, or alternatively, others may buy cannabis edibles to help themselves relax and reach a state of calm. Exposure therapy exposes victims to events and situations that remind them of the traumatic event. For example, you may be initially asked to sit in a car, if you have difficulty being in cars after your car accident. Over time, you may progress to riding in a car, and later, you may be encouraged to drive or to ride as a passenger on the freeway.
One of the other symptoms of PTSD that isn’t often discussed is sexual dysfunction among individuals suffering from PTSD. Research has shown that individuals who have suffered from trauma may be more likely to experience sexual dysfunction, according to Very Well Mind. Individuals who experience trauma from a car accident, or due to the negligent actions of another person, for example, may develop problems trusting others. They may find themselves activated or anxious in intimate settings rather than feeling relaxed. Generalized anxiety linked to a traumatic event can also interfere with a person’s ability to connect. Finally, injuries related to your car accident can also interfere with your ability to become intimate. PTSD is most readily studied in war veterans. Among Vietnam Veterans studied, 80 percent experienced some kind of sexual dysfunction and among Iraqi War Veterans diagnosed with PTSD, approximately 90 percent reported some kind of sexual dysfunction. While dysfunction has not been studied as much among the general population or among car accident victims, it is likely that there are many others with PTSD suffering from these effects.
The law provides recourse for car accident victims. You may be entitled to seek damages for your medical expenses, lost wages due to missed days at work, and pain and suffering damages. The law also offers provisions for victims to receive compensation for loss of consortium. What is loss of consortium and can it apply to you if you suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder?
Loss of consortium damages are designed to compensate victims and their families for the loss of sexual relations or the loss of the ability to have children that can occur after a car accident or personal injury. While loss of consortium typically is applied in wrongful death cases, if your injury has affected your marriage, your ability to be intimate, or other areas of functioning, you may be able to seek damages for these losses.
The Law Office of Martin T. Montilino is a personal injury lawyer in Minneapolis, Minnesota who may be able to assist you. Our firm may be able to help you seek damages for your injuries to the fullest extent possible under the law. Visit us at https://martinmontilino.com/ to learn more about your options and rights.
3109 Hennepin Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55408
Phone: (612) 236-1320