MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota. Most people are aware of some of the things they should do after a car accident. Most people know they should file a police report. They know they should exchange insurance information with the other party involved in the crash. They know they should seek medical attention if they have been hurt. MostRead More
Car accident lawyer
What to Do If the Insurance Company Won’t Pay Your Car Accident Claim
MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota. If you have been in an accident and are seeking a claim from either your insurance company or the company of the negligent driver, you may find yourself facing a denied insurance claim. Even if your claim may not be denied, you may find yourself speaking to an adjuster who may not beRead More
Does Scaring Teens Really Prevent Distracted Driving and Encourage Sober Driving?
MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota. Drunk driving and distracted driving among teens is particularly deadly and dangerous. Teen drivers don’t often have experience behind the wheel. Checking a cell phone, texting, or drinking and driving combined with inexperience is a recipe for personal injury and deaths. The Law Office of Martin T. Montilino sees many cases every yearRead More
Are Apps to Blame for Traffic Death Increases?
MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the number of traffic fatalities that occurred last year represent the highest increase in fatalities in 50 years. Researchers who have been troubled by the recent jump in auto deaths have suggested that our use of mobile Apps could be to blame for the increaseRead More
What Happens if I Get into An Accident in a Rental Car in Minneapolis?
MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota. Car accidents can happen at any time, even when you’re on vacation. There are many myths about rental car insurance. What kind of insurance do you need if you plan to rent a car, and what insurance can you skip? Here are some things to consider:
Are Larger Vehicles Safer in Car Accidents?
MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota. According to recent research, larger vehicles may be safer than smaller ones. Forbes recently published the results of a study compiled by the Highway Data Loss Institute suggesting that recoveries and claims for damages decrease as vehicle sizes increase. This seems to suggest that individuals may be safer in large vehicles over smallerRead More
Car Accident Lawyer Reviews Safe Winter Driving Checklist for Minneapolis, Minnesota
It’s that time of year again. Drivers on the road in Minnesota are facing snowy roads and winter driving conditions across the state. The good news is that the Minnesota Department of Transportation has made it easier than ever for drivers to check road conditions before they leave home-and to prepare accordingly.