MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota. News reports across the country have revealed some troubling trends. Across the nation, the number of people dying on U.S. roads in car accidents has been growing. According to NPR, traffic deaths jumped 10.4% in the first part of 2016 compared to 2015. This trend doesn’t appear to be changing. Investigators find thatRead More
Personal Injury Law Gray Areas: When a DUI is Hard to Prove
MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota. Determining fault after a car accident is important for victims and families. Individuals who are at fault for a car accident may be liable to pay for the victims’ medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. The at-fault driver’s insurance may also be responsible for covering damages sustained by other drivers. OneRead More
5 Common Personal Injury Questions
If you’ve been injured in a car accident or other personal injury accident you may have many questions. Recovering from an injury while also navigating the legal concerns that arise with a personal injury claim or auto accident claim can quickly get complicated. Of course, laws and regulations are different in every state so it’sRead More
Driving for the Holiday? How to Avoid the Worst Traffic Jams
Minneapolis, Minnesota. According to U.S.A. Today 95 million Americans will drive over the holidays. Yet, the holiday season is also a dangerous time to be on the road. Approximately 27,900 Americans will be injured during holiday travel and another 250 will be involved in fatal accidents. One of the major contributions to these injuries andRead More
Shoveling Snow Onto the Street in Minneapolis?
MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota. Most homeowners know that after a snowfall, it is their legal obligation to clear the sidewalks in front of their homes. Keeping your sidewalks free of snow and ice protects the safety of the community and prevents costly slip and fall accidents from taking place. Under Minneapolis law, homeowners have 24 hours toRead More
Does Facebook’s New Live Feature Put Drivers at Risk?
MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota. According to Wired, Facebook’s latest feature allows users to stream live video on the social media platform. Celebrities have used Facebook live to stream their athletic feats, their lunch breaks, and to answer questions from fans. The streaming feature has the power to bring people into the heart of the action while theyRead More
Does Scaring Teens Really Prevent Distracted Driving and Encourage Sober Driving?
MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota. Drunk driving and distracted driving among teens is particularly deadly and dangerous. Teen drivers don’t often have experience behind the wheel. Checking a cell phone, texting, or drinking and driving combined with inexperience is a recipe for personal injury and deaths. The Law Office of Martin T. Montilino sees many cases every yearRead More
Are Apps to Blame for Traffic Death Increases?
MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the number of traffic fatalities that occurred last year represent the highest increase in fatalities in 50 years. Researchers who have been troubled by the recent jump in auto deaths have suggested that our use of mobile Apps could be to blame for the increaseRead More
Protecting Yourself From Drunk Drivers
MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota. A Minnesota volunteer firefighter responding to a call got a sinking feeling as he drove to the scene of the accident. His son wasn’t home and when he called his cell phone, his son didn’t answer. According to the Star Tribune, the fire fighter’s son was killed when a drunk driver ran aRead More
Weather-Related Car Accidents More Deadly Than Weather Events
MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota. With autumn in full swing and with the days getting cooler and shorter, it is important to consider the impact weather events have on driving safety. Snow storms and ice storms can lead to slick roads that can put more drivers at risk of serious injury accidents. According to the Weather Channel, weather-relatedRead More